Chakra Affirmations
Working with Affirmations according to the Chakras
Affirmations have helped me a ton over the years! Here are a few that we use in class according to each Chakra.
A way to work with affirmations :
Feel the statement through your whole body, if it doesn’t feel true, find the sensation as if it were true. If the statement totally out of your realm but you want to cultivate it, try out an “Iffermantion” where you start the phrase with “What if…” and feel what arises. That might make it a little more accessible!!
Because these are associated with the Chakras, it might be a great thing to place your attention in the Chakra area while you are working with it. (More info on Chakra Locations here!)
Affirmations/iffermations are a great things to do first thing when you get up, right before you go to sleep, in moments of stress, when you pass by your reflection, or just when you think of it!!
Give it a try, let me know how you work with them or when your favourite ones are in the comments below!
The earth supports me and meets my needs
I love my body and trust its wisdom
I am at home in my body
I am immersed in abundance
I am sustained and nourished by nature
I trust life supports me in fulfilling my purpose
I enjoy life with all my senses
I lovingly accept my body and my sensuality
I have the right to feel what I feel
I give my creativity and joy in living free rein
I go with the flow
I allow myself to follow my dreams
I am worthy of the life I want for myself
I feel at one with the inner fire of self empowerment
I am worthy because I exist
I honour myself and treat myself with respect
I deeply love and approve of who I am
I possess within me all of the focused power to create and design my life
I follow the path of the heart
I love who I am
I am worthy of love
I accept my vulnerability
I forgive myself. When you know better, you do better
I forgive those who need forgiving for not being what I wanted them to be
I open my throat for greater self-expression
I express myself with clear intent
I love and trust my creative gifts
My voice is necessary
It is now safe for me to speak my truth
I am open to the wisdom within me
I can manifest my vision
I honour my intuition
I am in tune with my true purpose
I am here! I am now! I am in present time!
I release and forgive the past
I love being alive
Everything that comes to me, comes to teach me
I willingly embrace change
I go beyond limiting beliefs and accept myself totally
My success is limitless
The more love i give the more love there is to receive
I am open to new ideas
The world is my teacher
I am guided by inner wisdom
Information I need comes to me
Divinity resides within
It's worth noting that affirmations are a way to help you to set intentions, to shift negative thoughts, to focus on positive thoughts, to tune into your. They are not a magic solution and they should be used in conjunction with other practices.
You can repeat these affirmations to yourself while focusing on the corresponding chakra, or you can also use them during your mindfulness and meditation practice.
It is also good to remember that healing and balance of chakras take time and effort, and it's important to be patient with yourself!
If you’d like to look deeper into Chakra balancing practices, check out the Online Courses available!