4 WEEK INTENSIVE - Online or in studio Acting Class

3 hours a week, we go through the entire system of the Chakra Embodiment Method.

We look at each Chakra in depth + how they affect your life and your art.

Discover at how you hold your energy + how to break down and embody how a character would hold theirs.

No pre- req or acting experience necessary.


  • Following the liberating current (going from Root to Crown) see how you hold your energy and how it unconsciously affects your life - Your Energetic Signature.

  • Energetic self care tools and practices to take with you life long

  • Somatic exercises to get you into your body and in the present moment

  • Grounding, meditation and vocal warm up techniques to support your creativity

  • Understanding the themes in each Chakra and how it applies to character work

  • How to use Chakras to change your physical energy signature. in a near effortless way, that in turn opens up your intuition and pockets of character

  • Chakra healing exercises including yoga and simple Qi-gong

  • Improvisational work with each different Chakra state (Over Active, Under Active and Balanced)

  • Authentic Movement exercises

  • Optional at home focus: Work with poetry, brain drain pages, gratitude and weekly Chakra themed activities

Four 3 hour in class sessions & 3-4 hours of work at home - In person studio class $288 // Zoom class $250 // Full Online Course (go at your pace) $333 CAD

**$100 deposit may save your spot. Full payment is due 10 days before the first class. 10 days before class, the $100 deposit is no longer refundable.

**20% discount to all returning students & payment plans available


Did you know?

Level 1 - Acting with the Chakras is now available as a go at your own pace, self guided course!

Receive all the tools + information, in video, audio and written format plus some bonuses - for life.