I’m so excited to work one on one with you! Check out the list below to make sure you have everything you need. Talk soon! - Missy


Step 1 - START HERE!

Please begin by signing up to the Mindful Actor Network on Mighty Networks! Keep this page open so you can easily access the course after!

If you are already a member, please go to the next step!


Step 2 - Find Course here!

Access the course through the link below! Be sure to reach out to Missy if you need guidance!

Have an awesome journey through the Chakras.


STEP 3 - Book your One on One’s here!

Keep this link to the form handy, you don’t have to book in right away! Come back to it when you feel the timing is right.

Some people like to go through some of the course first and then book in.

Reach out if you’d like help planning this!


Something come up? Let us help!